Monday, November 24, 2008


SAP ERP: A Trusted Foundation for Business Excellence and Innovation

Improved alignment of your strategies and operations. Enhanced productivity and insight for your enterprise. That’s the power of SAP ERP — helping you adapt quickly to support changing industry requirements.

The SAP ERP application is world-class, integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that addresses the core business software requirements of the most demanding midsize and large organizations around the world — in all industries and sectors. SAP ERP includes four individual solutions that support key functional areas:

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* SAP ERP Operations
* SAP ERP Corporate Services

With the general release of SAP ERP 2005, SAP is pleased to announce more than 300 functional enhancements that add value to your business.

SAP ERP software addresses your business needs based on three decades of SAP experience:


Built on the SAP NetWeaver platform — Reduces IT complexity while supporting scalability and growth through a comprehensive integration and application platform

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* Designed to support international operations — Promotes efficient and successful global operations and competition

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Views : Data about an application object is often distributed on several tables. By defining a :view, you can define an application-dependent view that combines this data. The structure of such a view is defined by specifying the tables and fields used in the view. Fields that are not required can be hidden, thereby minimizing interfaces. A view can be used in ABAP programs for data selection.

The data of a view is derived from one or more tables, but not stored physically. The simplest form of deriving data is to mask out one or more fields from a base table (projection) or to include only certain entries of a base table in the view (selection). More complicated views can comprise several base tables, the individual tables being linked with a relational join operation.

The base tables of the view must be selected in the first step of a view definition. In the second step, these tables must be linked by defining the join conditions. It is also possible to use the join condition from a foreign key defined between the tables .

In the third step, you must select the fields of the base tables to be used in the view. Selection conditions that restrict the records in the view can be formulated in the fourth step.

Four different view types are supported. These differ in the way in which the view is implemented and in the methods permitted for accessing the view data.

· Database views implemented with an equivalent view on the database.

· Projection views used to hide fields of a table (only projection).

· Help views used as selection method in search helps

· Maintenance views permit you to maintain the data distributed on several tables for one application object at one time.

Database views implement an inner join . The other view types implement an outer join

The join conditions for database views can be formulated using equality relationships between any base fields. The join conditions for the other view types must be obtained from existing foreign keys. Tables therefore can only be combined in a maintenance view or help view if they are linked to one another with foreign keys.

The maintenance status whether you can only read data with the view or whether you can also insert and change data with it.

Database Views :

Data about an application object is often distributed on several database tables. A database view provides an application-specific view on such distributed data.

Database views are defined in the ABAP Dictionary. A database view is automatically created in the underlying database when it is activated.

Application programs can access the data of a database view using the database interface. You can access the data in ABAP programs with both OPEN SQL and NATIVE SQL. However, the data is actually selected in the database. Since the join operation is executed in the database in this case, you can minimize the number of database accesses in this way. Database views implement an inner join (see Inner and Outer Join )

If the database view only contains a single table, the maintenance status can be used to determine if data records can also be inserted with the view. If the database view contains more than one table, you can only read the data.

Database views should be created if want to select logically connected data from different tables simultaneously. Selection with a database view is generally faster than access to individual tables. When selecting with views, you should also ensure that there are suitable indexes on the tables contained in the view.

Since a database view is implemented in the database, a database view may only contain transparent tables.

The technical settings of a database view control whether the view data should be buffered.

Projection Views :

Projection views are used to hide fields of a table. This can minimize interfaces; for example when you access the database, you only read and write the field contents actually needed.

A projection view contains exactly one table. You cannot define selection conditions for projection views.

There is no corresponding object in the database for a projection view. The R/3 System maps the access to a projection view to the corresponding access to its base table. You can also access pooled tables and cluster tables with a projection view.

The maintenance status of the view controls how the data of the table can be accessed with the projection view.

Help Views:

You have to create a help view if a view with outer join is needed as selection method of a search help

The selection method of a search help is either a table or a view. If you have to select data from several tables for the search help, you should generally use a database view as selection method. However, a database view always implements an inner join. If you need a view with outer join for the data selection, you have to use a help view as selection method.

All the tables included in a help view must be linked with foreign keys. Only foreign keys that have certain attributes can be used here . The first table to be inserted in the help view is called the primary table of the help view. The tables added to this primary table with foreign keys are called secondary tables .

The functionality of a help view has changed significantly between Release 3.0 and Release 4.0. In Release 3.0, a help view was automatically displayed for the input help (F4 help) for all the fields that were checked against the primary table of the help view. This is no longer the case in Release 4.0.

As of Release 4.0, you must explicitly create a search help that must be linked with the fields for which it is offered (see Linking Search Helps with Screen Fields ).

Existing help views are automatically migrated to search helps when you upgrade to a release higher than 4.0.

A help view implements an outer join, i.e. all the contents of the primary table of the help view are always displayed. You therefore should not formulate a selection condition for fields in one of the secondary tables of the help view. If records of these secondary tables cannot be read as a result of this selection condition, the contents of the corresponding fields of the secondary table are displayed with initial value.

Search Helps :

The input help (F4 help) is a standard function of the R/3 System. The user can display the list of all possible input values for a screen field with the input help. The possible input values can be enhanced with further information. This is meaningful especially when the field requires the input of a formal key.

Standard Input Help Process

A user calls an input help with the following steps (some steps can be omitted, depending on the definition of the input help):

The user starts the input help to display the possible input values for a field (search field) in a screen template.

The system offers the user a number of possible search paths. The user selects one of these search paths. Each search path offers a number of restrictions to limit the number of possible input values. These values are offered in a Dialog box for value restriction when the search path is selected.

The user enters restrictions if required and then starts the search.

The system determines the values that satisfy the entered restrictions (hits) and displays them as a list (hit list).

The user selects the most suitable line from the hit list by double-clicking. The value of the search field is returned to the screen template (possibly together with other values).

Steps 2 and 3 are omitted if there is only a single search path available. In this case the dialog box for the value selection is offered immediately. You can also output the hit list directly after starting the input help. Steps 2 to 4 are omitted in this case.

Function of a Search Help

This standard process can be completely defined by creating a search help in the ABAP Dictionary. This search help only has to be assigned to the screen fields in which they should be available .

There are two types of search help:

· Elementary search helps describe a search path. The elementary search help must define where the data of the hit list should be read from (selection method), how the exchange of values between the screen template and selection method is implemented (interface of the search help) and how the online input help should be defined (online behavior of the search help).

· Collective search helps combine several elementary search helps. A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.

Maintenance Views :

Maintenance views offer easy ways to maintain complex application objects.

Data distributed on several tables often forms a logical unit, for example an application object, for the user. You want to be able to display, modify and create the data of such an application object together. Normally the user is not interested in the technical implementation of the application object, that is in the distribution of the data on several tables.

A maintenance view permits you to maintain the data of an application object together. The data is automatically distributed in the underlying database tables. The maintenance status determines which accesses to the data of the underlying tables are possible with the maintenance view.

All the tables in a maintenance view must be linked with foreign keys, that is the join conditions for maintenance views are always derived from the foreign key

cannot directly enter the join conditions as for database views.

There are some restrictions for the attributes of the foreign keys with which the tables in a maintenance view can be linked .

A standardized table maintenance transaction is provided (SM30), permitting you to maintain the data from the base tables of a maintenance view together.

Maintenance mechanisms, like screens and processing programs, must be created from the view definition with the transaction Generate Table View (SE54). This makes it possible to create easy-to-use maintenance interfaces in a simple manner.


Choosing a Table Type

The table type (and particularly the access method) that you will use depends on how the typical internal table operations will be most frequently executed.

Standard tables

This is the most appropriate type if you are going to address the individual table entries using the index. Index access is the quickest possible access. You should fill a standard table by appending lines (ABAP APPEND statement), and read, modify and delete entries by specifying the index (INDEX option with the relevant ABAP command). The access time for a standard table increases in a linear relationship with the number of table entries. If you need key access, standard tables are particularly useful if you can fill and process the table in separate steps. For example, you could fill the table by appending entries, and then sort it. If you use the binary search option with key access, the response time is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries.

Sorted tables

This is the most appropriate type if you need a table which is sorted as you fill it. You fill sorted tables using the INSERT statement. Entries are inserted according to the sort sequence defined through the table key. Any illegal entries are recognized as soon as you try to add them to the table. The response time for key access is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries, since the system always uses a binary search. Sorted tables are particularly useful for partially sequential processing in a LOOP if you specify the beginning of the table key in the WHERE condition.

Hashed tables

This is the most appropriate type for any table where the main operation is key access. You cannot access a hashed table using its index. The response time for key access remains constant, regardless of the number of table entries. Like database tables, hashed tables always have a unique key. Hashed tables are useful if you want to construct and use an internal table which resembles a database table or for processing large amounts of data.

Table type

The table type determines how ABAP will access individual table entries. Internal tables can be divided into three types:

Standard tables have an internal linear index. From a particular size upwards, the indexes of internal tables are administered as trees. In this case, the index administration overhead increases in logarithmic and not linear relation to the number of lines. The system can access records either by using the table index or the key. The response time for key access is proportional to the number of entries in the table. The key of a standard table is always non-unique. You cannot specify a unique key. This means that standard tables can always be filled very quickly, since the system does not have to check whether there are already existing entries.

Sorted tables are always saved sorted by the key. They also have an internal index. The system can access records either by using the table index or the key. The response time for key access is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries, since the system uses a binary search. The key of a sorted table can be either unique or non-unique. When you define the table, you must specify whether the key is to be unique or not. Standard tables and sorted tables are known generically as index tables.

Hashed tables have no linear index. You can only access a hashed table using its key. The response time is independent of the number of table entries, and is constant, since the system access the table entries using a hash algorithm. The key of a hashed table must be unique. When you define the table, you must specify the key as UNIQUE.















ABAP-List of SAPMF05A Transactions

Program SAPMF05A occurs in the following transactions:

Transaction code - (Screen number) - Text

ABAD - (0100) - Asset retirement, sale to customer

ABF1 - (0100) - Post document

ABZK - (0100) - Asset acquisition, purchase from vendor

ABZV - (0122) - Asset acquisition to clearing account

F-01 - (01009 - Enter sample document

F-02 - (0100) - Enter G/L account posting

F-03 - (0131) - G/L account clearing

F-04 - (0122) - Release clearing

F-05 - (0100) - Post foreign currency valuation

F-06 - (0103) - Post incoming payment

F-07 - (0103) - Post outgoing payment

F-19 - (0116) - Reset statistical posting

F-20 - (0102) - Reset bill of exchange commitment

F-21 - (0100) - Enter transfer posting

F-22 - (0100) - Enter customer invoice

F-25 - (0116) - Release check/bill of exchange

F-26 - (0123) - Incoming payment fast entry

F-27 - (0100) - Enter customer credit memo

F-28 - (0103) - Post incoming payment

F-29 - (0111) - Post customer down payment

F-30 - (0122) - Transfer posting and clearing

F-31 - (0103) - Post outgoing payment

F-32 - (0131) - Customer clearing

F-33 - (0101) - Post bill of exchange usage

F-34 - (0101) - Post collection

F-35 - (0101) - Post forfaiting

F-36 - (0122) - Bill of exchange payment

F-37 - (0113) - Customer down payment request

F-38 - (0109) - Enter statistical posting

F-39 - (0115) - Release customer down payment

F-40 - (0122) - Bill of exchange payment

F-41 - (0100) - Enter vendor credit memo

F-42 - (0100) - Enter transfer posting

F-43 - (0100) - Enter vendor invoice

F-44 - (0131) - Vendor clearing

F-46 - (0121) - Reset refinancing acceptance

F-47 - (0112) - Down payment request

F-48 - (0110) - Post vendor down payment

F-49 - (0108) - Customer held items

F-51 - (0122) - Transfer posting and clearing

F-52 - (0103) - Post incoming payment

F-53 - (0103) - Post outgoing payment

F-54 - (0114) - Release vendor down payment

F-55 - (0109) - Enter statistical posting

F-56 - (0116) - Reset statistical posting

F-57 - (0108) - Vendor held items

F-90 - (0100) - Asset acquisition, purchase from vendor

F-91 - (0122) - Asset acquisition to clearing account

F-92 - (0100) - Asset retirement, sale to customer

FB01 - (0100) - Post document

FB05 - (0122) - Posting with clearing

FB08 - (0105) - Reverse document

FB10 - (0126) - Invoice/credit memo fast entry

FB11 - (0107) - Post held document

FB1D - (0131) - Customer clearing

FB1K - (0131) - Vendor clearing

FB1S - (0131) - G/L account clearing

FB21 - (0109) - Enter statistical posting

FB22 - (0116) - Reset statistical posting

FB31 - (0108) - Enter held items

FB41 - (0100) - Post tax payable

FBA1 - (0113) - Customer down payment request

FBA2 - (0111) - Post customer down payment

FBA3 - (0115) - Release customer down payment

FBA6 - (0112) - Vendor down payment request

FBA7 - (0110) - Post vendor down payment

FBA8 - (0114) - Release vendor down payment

FBB1 - (0100) - Post foreign currency valuation

FBD1 - (0106) - Enter recurring entry

FBD5 - (0125) - Realize recurring entry

FBM1 - (0100) - Enter sample document

FBP1 - (0132) - Entering Payment Requests

FBR1 - (0104) - Posting with reference document

FBR2 - (0104) - Post document

FBS1 - (0100) - Enter accruals document

FBVB - (0100) - Post parked document

FBW1 - (0119) - Enter bill of exchange receivable

FBW2 - (0120) - Post bill of exchange in accordance with request

FBW3 - (0101) - Post bill of exchange usage

FBW4 - (0102) - Reset bill of exchange commitment

FBW5 - (0117) - Check/bill of exchange (customer)

FBW6 - (0118) - Check/bill of exchange (vendor)

FBZ1 - (0103) - Post incoming payment

FBZ2 - (0103) - Post outgoing payment

FBZ3 - (0123) - Incoming payment fast entry

FBZ4 - (0130) - Payment with printing

ABAP-DART Standard Views

The views mentioned refer to the data catalog of the DART Version 2.4:

1SAP_FI01 - FI document header and item data

1SAP_FI02 - Vendor transactions

1SAP_FI03 - Customer transactions

1SAP_FI04 - G/L account transactions

1SAP_FI05 - Vendor transactions CPD

1SAP_FI06 - Customer transactions CPD

1SAP_FI07 - G/L account transaction figures

1SAP_FI08 - Open items - Vendors

1SAP_FI09 - Open items - Customers

1SAP_FI10 - Vendor VAT ID and master data

1SAP_FI11 - Customer VAT ID and master data

1SAP_XX01 - Dependency of tables and domains

ABAP-EDI and ALE Tables

EDI - Electronic Data Interchange

(Electronic Data Exchange is a technology to create and run distributed applications.)

EDIDC - Control record

EDIDS - Status records

EDIDD - Data records (2.x)

EDID2 - Data records (3.x)

EDID4 - Data records (4.x)

EDISEG -Idoc segments (3.x)

EDISEGMENT - Idoc segments (4.x)

EDFI2 - Last processed document in file

ALE - Application Link Enabling

(ALE is a mechanism for the exchange of business data between loosely-coupled R/3 applications, built by customers of SAP.)

TBD00 - Views of customer distribution model

TBD03 - Distribution model (3.x)

TBD05 - Distribution model for messages (4.x)

TBD06 - Distribution model for BAPI methods (4.x)

TBD52 - Function modules for inbound processing

TBDLS - Logical systems

TBDSE - Serialization groups (4.x)

BDCP - Change pointers

BDCPS - Status of change pointers

CDHDR - Change document header

CDPOS - Change document items

ARFC(S/R)STATE - Status of tRFC calls on (S)ender and (R)eceiver side

ARFC(S/R)DATA - tRFC call data for (S)ender and (R)eceiver

ABAP-Tax Tables

A003 - Tax Indicator

A053 - Taxes via Jurisdiction Code

T007A - Tax Keys

T007B - Tax Processing in Accounting

T007S - Tax Code Names

T030K - Tax Accounts Determination

T030R - Rules for Determination of Standard Accounts

T050T - General texts

T681A - Conditions: Applications

T681B - Conditions: Applications:

Texts - T681V Conditions: Usages

T681W - Conditions: Usage: Texts

T681Z - Conditions: Dependent Data for Application/Usage

T682I - Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form)

T683S - Pricing Procedure: Data

T683T - Pricing Procedures: Texts

T685 - Conditions: Types

T685A - Conditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data

T685T - Conditions: Types: Texts

TTXD - Description of Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure

TTXJ - Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction

TTXJT - Text Table for Tax Jurisdiction

ABAP-SAP System Tables

ADCP - Person/Address assignment (central address administration)

ADIRACCESS - Table to store keys for TADIR objects

ADR2 - Telephone numbers (central address admin.)

ADRP - Persons (central address administration)


APQI - Queue info definition

D010SINF - ABAP- Information about ABAP program source code

E071 - Change and Transport System- Object Entries of Requests/Tasks

E07T - Change and Transport System- Short Texts for Requests/Tasks

ENLFDIR - Additional Attributes for Function Modules

INDX - System table

INDX NAST - Message Status

STXH STXD - SAPscript text file header

T005 - Countries

T005S - Taxes- Region (Province) Key

T005U - Taxes- Region Key- Texts T006 Units of Measurement

T015M - Names of the months

T247 - Month name and short text

T777A - Building Addresses

TADIR - Directory of Repository Objects

TBTCO - Job status overview table

TBTCP - Batch job step overview

TFDIR - Function Module

TFTIT - Function Module Short Text

TSP03L - Spool- Long device names

TSTC - SAP Transaction Codes

TSTCT - Transaction Code Texts

TUTYP - User Types in Current Price List in SAP System

TUZUS - Special versions

TVARV - Table of variables in selection criteria

TVDIR - View Directory

US930 - Data Relevant to Measurement for User Master Record

USR01 - User master record (runtime data)

USR02 - Logon data

USR04 - User master authorizations

USR06 - Additional Data per User

USR14 - Surchargeable Language Versions per User

USR21 - Assign user name address key

ARCH_OBJ - Objects for archiving and reorganization

BTCUED - Description of user event IDs for background processing

BTXSUPB - BSI- Upgrade-Information

CCCFLOW - Client Copy Control Flow

DBSTATC DB - Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)

DEVACCESS - Table for development users


E070 - Change and Transport System- Header of Requests/Tasks

E070L - CTS- Index for Assigning Numbers to Requests/Tasks

INSTVERS - Documentation for installation Status and History

PAT03 - Patch Directory

SDBAC - DBA Action Table

T100 - Messages

TAPLT - Program Application Long Texts


TDEVC - Development Classes

TEMSE - Temp Sequential table.

TLOCK - Change and Transport System- Lock Table

TNAPR - Processing programs for output. Can be very handy to find the print program for a SAPScript.

TNAST - Printed output control table

TPFET - Table of profile parameters

TPFHT - Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB

TPROT - Table contains all DD tables to be logged

TRBAT - Communication Table for Transport Control

TRDIRT - Title texts for programs in TRDIR

TRESN - Table of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench

TRJOB - Job ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports

TSP03C - Spool- Device Description Extension

TST03 - TemSe data



USOBT - Relation transaction - authorization object

USR03 - User address data

USR05 - User Master Parameter ID

USR12 - User master authorization values

USR40 - Table for illegal passwords

USR41 - User master- Additional data

UST04 - User masters

VARIT - Variant texts

VARID - Variant directory

D010TAB - Table for Use Report—Tables

DD02L - SAP tables

DD02T - R/3 DD- SAP table texts

DD03L - Table Fields

DD03T - DD- Texts for fields (language dependent)

EDIDC - IDOC Control Records

EDIDOT - Short description of IDoc types

EDID2 - IDOC segments (version 3.1)

EDID4 - IDOC segments (version 4.6)

EDSEA - EDI- Table of all segments of current release

VRSX2 - Central Table for Version Management (Report Source)

TSE05 - Can add parameters to the INSERT COMMAND (IC).

CDPOS - Change document items

CDHDR - Change document header

T529A - governs the foreground sequence of infotypes.

T588Z - governs the dynamic event processing that will only take place during online user inputs.

T588M - Infotype Screen Control

ABAP-Material Management Tables

EINA - Purchasing Info Record- General Data

EINE - Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data

MAKT - Material Descriptions

MARA - General Material Data

MARC - Plant Data for Material

MARD - Storage Location Data for Material

MAST - Material to BOM Link

MBEW - Material Valuation

MKPF - Header- Material Document

MSEG - Document Segment- Material

MVER - Material Consumption

MVKE - Sales Data for materials

RKPF - Document Header- Reservation

T023 - Mat. groups

T024 - Purchasing Groups

T156 - Movement Type

T157H - Help Texts for Movement Types

MOFF - Lists what views have not been created

ABAP-Sales and Distribution Tables

KONV - Conditions for Transaction Data

KONP - Conditions for Items

LIKP - Delivery Header Data

LIPS - Delivery: Item data

VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data

VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data

VBBE - Sales Requirements: Individual Records

VBEH - Schedule line history

VBEP - Sales Document: Schedule Line Data

VBFA - Sales Document Flow

VBLB - Sales document: Release order data

VBLK - SD Document: Delivery Note Header

VBPA - Sales Document: Partner

VBRK - Billing: Header Data

VBRP - Billing: Item Data

VBUK - Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data

VBUP - Sales Document: Item Status

VEKP - Handling Unit - Header Table

VEPO - Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)

VEPVG - Delivery Due Index

ABAP-Production Planning Tables

MAST - Material BOM

STKO - BOM Header

STPO - BOM Positions (detail)

MAPL - Assignment fo Task Lists to Materials

PLKO - Routing Group Header

PLSO - Routing Group Sequence

PLPO - Routing Group Operations

AFKO - Production Order Header

AFPO - Production Order Position (details)

ABAP-PM / SD Tables

AFAB - Network - Relationships

AFFH - PRT assignment data for the work order

AFFL - Work order sequence

AFFT - Order - Process Instructions

AFFV - Order - Process Instruction Values

AFFW - Goods movements with errors from confirmations

AFIH - Maintenance order header

AFKO - Order header data PP orders

AFPO - Order item

AFRC - Incorrect cost calculations from confirmations

AFRD - Default values for collective confirmation

AFRH - Header information for confirmation pool

AFRU - Order completion confirmations

AFRV - Confirmations pool

AFVC - Operation within an order

AFVU - DB structure of the user fields of the operation

AFVV - DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation

AFWI - Subsequently posted goods movements for confirmations

AUFK - Order master data

AUFM - Goods movements for order

BGMK - Master Warranty Header

BGMP - Master Warranty Item

BGMS - Master Warranty Text Item

BGMT - Master Warranty Text

BGMZ - Warranty Counter

CRHD - Work Center Header

CRTX - Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool

EQKT - Equipment Short Texts

EQST - Equipment to BOM Link

EQUI - Equipment master data

EQUZ - Equipment time segment

HIKO - Order master data history

IFLO - Table generated for View IFLO

IFLOT - Functional Location (Table)

IFLOTX - Functional Location- Short Texts

IHGNS - Permit Segment for Plant Maintenance

IHPA - Plant Maintenance- Partners

IHSG - Object-Related Permits in Plant Maintenance

ILOA - PM Object Location and Account Assignment

IMPTT - Measuring Point (Table)

IMRG - Measurement Document

KAKO - Capacity Header Segment

KONP - Conditions (Item)

KONV - Conditions (Transaction Data)

OBJK - Plant Maintenance Object List

QMEL - Quality Notification

QMFE - Quality notification - items

QMIH - Quality message - maintenance data excerpt

QMMA - Quality notification - activities

QMSM - Quality notification - tasks

QMUR - Quality notification - causes

T001 - Company Codes

T001L - Storage Locations

T001W - Plants/Branches

T077D - Customer account groups

T003O - Order Types

T352R - Maintenance revisions

T353I_T - Maintenance activity type description

T356 - Priorities

T357G - Permits

T357G_T - Text for Table 357GT

T370A - Activity Category for PM Lists

TINCT - Customers- Incoterms- Texts

TVKO - Organizational Unit- Sales Organizations

TVKOS - Organizational Unit- Divisions per Sales Organization

TVKOV - Org. Unit- Distribution Channels per Sales Organization

TVTA - Organizational Unit- Sales Area(s)

VIAUFKST - Generated Table for View VIAUFKST

ABAP-FI /CO Tables

AGKO - Cleared Accounts

ANAR - Asset Types

ANAT - Asset type text

ANEK - Document Header Asset Posting

ANEP - Asset Line Items

ANEV - Asset downpayment settlement

ANKT - Asset classes- Description

ANLA - Asset Master Record Segment

ANLB - Depreciation terms

ANLC - Asset Value Fields

ANLH - Main asset number

AT02T - Transaction Activity Category- Description

AT02A - Transaction Code for Menu TIMN

AT10 - Transaction type

AT10T - Name of Transaction Type

BKDF - Document Header Supplement for Recurring Entry

BKORM - Accounting Correspondence Requests

BKPF - Accounting Document Header

BLPK - Document log header

BLPP - Document log item

BLPR - Document Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush)

BNKA - Bank master record

BP000 - Business Partner Master (General Data)

BPBK - Doc.Header Controlling Obj.

BPEG - Line Item Total Values Controlling Obj.

BPEJ - Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.

BPEP - Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.

BPGE - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.

BPJA - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.

BSAD - Accounting- Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)

BSAK - Accounting- Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)

BSAS - Accounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)

BSEC - One-Time Account Data Document Segment

BSEG - Accounting Document Segment

BSID - Accounting- Secondary Index for Customers

BSIK - Accounting- Secondary Index for Vendors

BSIM - Secondary Index, Documents for Material

BSIS - Accounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts

CEPC - Profit Center Master Data Table

CEPCT - Texts for Profit Center Master Data

COBRA - Settlement Rule for Order Settlement

COBRB - Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement

COKA - CO Object- Control Data for Cost Elements

COSP - CO Object- Cost Totals for External Postings

COSS - CO Object- Cost Totals for Internal Postings

CRCO - Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center

CSKA - Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Chart of Accounts)

CSKB - Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)

CSLA - Activity master

FEBEP - Electronic Bank Statement Line Items

FPLA - Billing Plan

FPLT - Billing Plan- Dates

GLPCT - EC-PCA- Totals Table

KNA1 - General Data in Customer Master

KOMK - Pricing Communication Header

MAHNV - Management Records for the Dunning Program

REGUT - TemSe - Administration Data

SKA1 - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)

SKAT - G/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts- Description)

SKB1 - G/L account master (company code)

T003T - Document Type Texts

T007S - Tax Code Names

T087J - Text

TAPRFT - Text tab. for investment profile

TKA01 - Controlling Areas

TKA09 - Basic Settings for Versions

TKVS - CO Versions

TZB0T - Flow types text table

TZPAT - Financial Assets Management product type texts

VBSEGS - Document Segment for G/L Accounts Document Parking

VTBFHA - Transaction

VTBFHAPO - Transaction Flow

VTBFHAZU - Transaction Activity

VTBFINKO - Transaction Condition

VTIDERI - Master Data Listed Options and Futures

VTIFHA - Underlying transaction

VTIFHAPO - Underlying transaction flows

VTIFHAZU - Underlying transaction status table

VTIOF - Options Additional Data

VWPANLA - Asset master for securities

ABAP-Control statements




The program loops over a table pulling the data into a work area in the program.




Defines program behaviour dependent field entries that require a different reaction per unique entry


Moves data from one field to another


Moves data from one table field to another that is similar to the other table. Used when the attributes of tables differ.


TYPE - Can be local or global. Local types are internal to the program. Global types can be accessed from the ABAP data dictionary by any program.

DATA - Defines fields and tables and their technical attributes for internal use in the program (internal variables).

LIKE - Defines a field with the same technical attributes as a reference field from the data dictionary.

PARAMETER - Issues a selection screen for user input.

TABLES - Defines the interface table between the code and the presentation screen.

WRITE - Issues an output to the screen.

CLEAR - Resets the initial value.

REFRESH - Clears data from the object in the program.

COMPUTE - Carries out a calculation.

APPEND - Passes data from a work area to an internal table.

INSERT - Inserts data from a work area to an internal table.

READ - Reads data from an object.

MODIFY - Changes

DELETE - Deletes

COLLECT - Moves data into a work area.

SORT - Sorts

OCCURS - Reserves internal memory space in an internal program

DEFAULT - Adds a default entry into a field.

MESSAGE - Message statements are added when conditions are not met.

ABAP-Predefined ABAP data types


Can be local or global. Local types are internal to the program. Global types can be accessed from the ABAP data dictionary by any program.

Predefined ABAP data types:

D - Date

T - Time

I - Integer

F - Floating point number

String - character string or variable length

XString - byte sequence hexadecimal string of variable length

C - Character

N - Numeric text (numeric character)

Byte - Hexacedimal

P - Packed number (binary coded decimals)

ABAP-Message types

ABAP message types:

A - Termination

X - Exit

E - Error

W - Warning

I - Information

S - Set

ABAP-Important transactions

Here is a list of most important SAP transactions while working with ABAP:

/h - switch on the debugging mode

SU53 - check user authorizations

SE11 - ABAP Dictionary

SE37 - ABAP Function builder

SE38 - ABAP Editor

SE41 - Menü Painter

SE51 - Screen Painter

SE80 - Object Navigator

SE81 - Application hierarchy

SE93 - Display / Create transaction code

SE95 - Modification Browser

SE09 - View Development Class

ABAP-Most widely used ABAP statements

Here is a list of most widely used ABAP statements:


This statement is used in ABAP to perform an authorization check. By setting a breakpoint on this statement, you will be able to see which authorization are checked by the program.


This statement calls a screen (also called DYNPRO) in the ABAP program.


This statement is used to output a message in ABAP. If you set a breakpoint on this statement in the debugger, you can see which form (subroutine) or function module is displaying the message .


The statement reads rows from database tables. By setting a breakpoint on the statement, it can bee seen, which database tables are accessed by the ABAP program.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Deepika, Shahrukh, Hrithik dazzled MTV Lycra Style Awards

Photos from MTV Lycra Style Awards function at Andheri Sports Complex in suburban Mumbai on October 25.

* Stunning Deepika Padukone sizzled in pink sari drawing tremendous applause from the audience.
* Shahrukh was presented Khan TV Maha Style Icon.
* Hrithik won trophy for Most Stylish Actor (Male), Most Stylish Body, and was voted by viewers Most Stylish Couple (with Ash in Dhoom 2).
* Karan Johar(Koffee with Karan) won Most Stylish Person on television award.

Monday, November 3, 2008

‘Chiru Velugu‘ audio album is produced by the Chiranjeevi fans of Gudivada under the guidance of Boyina Srinivasa Murthy in a bid to shower compliments on Mega Star Chiranjeevi.

Accordding to the producer , ‘The audio album will have songs depicting the blood donation, eye donation, and the great personality of Mega Star Chiranjeevi.’


Super Star Rajnikanth has denied media reports that he would pair with Kamal Haasan’s next movie.

“I have not made my decision yet on my next film. However I deny reports of being part of any Kamal Haasan movie” , said Rajnikanth ,after watching a special screening of Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan Theja’s venture movie chirutha.

Also, he did not comment when asked whether he has agreed to join hands with Director Mani Ratnam’s next film.


Super Star Rajini’s Blockbuster hit Sivaji director Shankar is now ready for his next Sharukh Khan’s ‘Robot’.
According to sources that Shankar and his team are currently holding discussions in Mahabalipuram, near Chennai to give final touches. Robot will be produced by Red Chilies Entertainment, a production company of the Sharukh Khan . The movie with all soup will be released in Hindi , Tamil and Telugu.

List of movies produced by Sharukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment Company
1. Om Shanti Om (to be released)
2. Paheli (2005)
3. Kaal (2005)
4. Main Hoon Na (2004


Scenes of Vijay and Namitha in the movie Azhagiya Tamizh Mahan(ATM) at Phuket, Thailand
Vel is a forthcoming Tamil movie by director Hari. Surya and Asin are playing lead roles in this movie. Surya is playing a double role for the second time after Perazhagan.


Mallana is a bilingual movie. Mallana was launched on 24th September at Prasad Labs, Hyderabad. In Tamil it is named as ‘Kanthaswamy‘.( Click here for the Kanthaswamy lauch photos at Chennai.)
Who attended the funciton were actor Vikram, Shriya, Shshi Ganesha(Director), Devi Sree Prasad, Dasari, Priyamani, Ramesh Prasad, Raghavender Rao etc.


Here is Vikram’s Kanthaswamy movie launch photos at Devi Paradise theatre in Chennai . Shreya had cut her hair for the film and also she has taken martial arts training with the martial arts master MUKUND. Kanthaswamy is a bilingual movie. It is named as Mallana in Telugu. Mallana was launched on 24th September at Prasad Labs, Hyderabad. (Click here for Mallana launch photos)
So, enjoy Kanthaswamy photos and stay tuned for more photos to come.


Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Azhagiya Tamizh Magan- ATM shoot was completed at Film city in Chennai.
Bharathan has previously worked with Vijay in Ghilli as both an Assistant Director and dialogue writer.
Bharathan took nearly 200 days to complete the talkie and songs.


The Heart Care Foundation organised a ‘Simplicity Walk‘ with the ‘Chak De India‘ stars, in view of around 40 lakh people dying every year of heart diseases to promote ‘walking for a healthy heart‘ on ‘World Heart Day’.


Earlier we published about Bhumika Chawla to marry Bharat Thakur on October 25 at eXtra Mirchi

Now, we will see about Bharat Thakur and his yoga posture photos with salman khan and Bumika

Bharat Thakur has conducted numerous meditation workshops, yoga training sessions for groups and individuals, corporate yoga workshops all over the world. He is also the founder of ‘Artistic Yoga’ which has opened yoga studios or yoga centres and conducts workshops, group classes and private classes in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Moscow and Dubai.


Recently actress Namitha was squeezed by her fans at the airport in namma Bengaluru . The actress was crowded by cini fans who wanted to get a glimpse of the actress, take pictures and get her autograph.

She cried for help as she couldn’t get past the gates!. Soon Airport security rescued her from the fans and escorted Namitha to her car.